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  Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages Links
Bresinsky, L.; Kordilla, J.; Hector, T.; Engelhardt, I.; Livshitz, Y.; Sauter, M. Managing climate change impacts on the Western Mountain Aquifer: Implications for Mediterranean karst groundwater resources 2023 Journal of Hydrology X 20 100153 details   url
Burchi, S. Legal frameworks for the governance of international transboundary aquifers: Pre- and post-ISARM experience 2018 Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 20 15-20 details   url
Frumkin, A.; Gvirtzman, H. Cross-formational rising groundwater at an artesian karstic basin: the Ayalon Saline Anomaly, Israel 2006 Journal of Hydrology 318 316-333 details   url
Gil-Márquez, J.M.; Sültenfuß, J.; Andreo, B.; Mudarra, M. Groundwater dating tools (3H, 3He, 4He, CFC-12, SF6) coupled with hydrochemistry to evaluate the hydrogeological functioning of complex evaporite-karst settings 2020 Journal of Hydrology 580 124263 details   url
Gimeno, M.J.; Tullborg, E.-L.; Nilsson, A.-C.; Auqué, L.F.; Nilsson, L. Hydrogeochemical characterisation of the groundwater in the crystalline basement of Forsmark, the selected area for the geological nuclear repositories in Sweden 2023 Journal of Hydrology 624 129818 details   url
Heaton, T.H.E. Sources of the nitrate in phreatic groundwater in the western Kalahari 1984 Journal of Hydrology 67 249-259 details   url
Heaton, T.H.E.; Talma, A.S.; Vogel, J.C. Origin and history of nitrate in confined groundwater in the western Kalahari 1983 Journal of Hydrology 62 243-262 details   url
Heaton, T.H.E.; Talma, A.S.; Vogel, J.C. Origin and history of nitrate in confined groundwater in the western Kalahari 1983 Journal of Hydrology 62 243-262 details   url
Heidari, B.; Prideaux, V.; Jack, K.; Jaber, F.H. A planning framework to mitigate localized urban stormwater inlet flooding using distributed Green Stormwater Infrastructure at an urban scale: Case study of Dallas, Texas 2023 Journal of Hydrology 621 129538 details   url
Ibrahim, A.S.; Zayed, I.S.A.; Abdelhaleem, F.S.; Afify, M.M.; Ahmed, A.; Abd-Elaty, I. Identifying cost-effective locations of storage dams for rainfall harvesting and flash flood mitigation in arid and semi-arid regions 2023 Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 50 101526 details   url
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