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Castro, M.C.; Stute, M.; Schlosser, P. Comparison of 4He ages and 14C ages in simple aquifer systems: implications for groundwater flow and chronologies 2000 Applied Geochemistry 15 1137-1167 details   url
Constantinou, C.; Udluft, P. Mapping the availability and dynamics of groundwater recharge. Part 2: Case studies from Mediterranean Basins 2000 Proceedings of Third Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems 163-168 details   openurl
Gasse, F. Hydrological changes in the African tropics since the Last Glacial Maximum 2000 Quaternary Science Reviews 19 189-211 details   url
Klock, H.; Külls, C.; Udluft, P. Estimation of relative recharge values for the northern Kalahari catchment, Namibia 2000 Journal of African Earth Sciences 30 47-48 details   openurl
Külls, C. Resolving patterns of groundwater flow by inverse hydrochemical modelling in a semiarid Kalahari 2000 Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology: TraM’2000: Proceedings of TraM’2000, the International Conference on Tracers and Modelling in Hydrogeology Held at Liège, Belgium, in May 2000 447 details   openurl
Külls, C.; Adar, E.M.; Udluft, P. Tracer Studies and Modelling of Regional Groundwater Systems-Resolving patterns of groundwater flow by inverse hydrochemical modelling in a semiarid Kalahari basin 2000 IAHS Publications-Series of Proceedings and Reports-Intern Assoc Hydrological Sciences 262 447-452 details   openurl
Külls, C.; Salameh, E.; Udluft, P. Assessing water supplies for irrigation-availability of natural resources and sustainability indices 2000 Tropentag Hoffenheim details   openurl
Külls, C.; Schwarz, O. Grundwasseranreicherung in den Waldbeständen der Teninger Allmend bei Freiburg im Breisgau 2000 Beiträge zur Physischen Geographie 67 - 78 details   openurl
Udluft, P.; Külls, C. Mapping the availability and dynamics of groundwater recharge. Part 1: modelling techniques 2000 Proceedings of the Third Congress on Regional Geological Cartography and Information Systems 337-340 details   openurl
Zagana, E.; Külls, C.; Udluft, P. Der Wasserhaushalt des Aliakmonas 2000 Vom Wasser 94 29-39 details   openurl
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