TH Lübeck - University of Applied Sciences
The project is supervised and coordinated by the Laboratory for Hydrology and International Water Management at the TH Lübeck - University of Applied Sciences. TH-Lübeck is also responsible for data analysis and interpretation as well as for the organization of educational workshops. In cooperation with Truebner GmbH, TH-Lübeck develops simple and effective methods for estimating groundwater recharge.
TH Lübeck - University of Applied Sciences
Cyprus Institute & Geological Survey Department of Cyprus
The Cyprus Institute and the Geological Survey Department of Cyprus work on the development of isotope techniques for water management in Cyprus. They are responsible for the maintenance of the Truebner soil moisture measurement stations in Cyprus and the organization of measurement campaigns.
[|Geological Survey of Cyprus9
German Jordan University
The German Jordan University is responsible for the maintenance of the Truebner soil moisture measurement stations in Jordan and the organization of measurement campaigns.
Truebner GmbH
Truebner GmbH has developed low-cost, high-performance sensors for measuring water content in soils that can collect, store and remotely transmit data. These measuring devices are installed at the study sites in Cyprus, Jordan, and Germany and are used to determine Percolation rates using an independent reference method.